Our Services
Video Training for Disciple Makers
México, El Salvador, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Nicaragua, Texas and across the United States
Local Training
Monthly training seminars are offered in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex to equip others for church planting and making disciples. Genesis Alliance also provides training in other cities in Texas and across the United States upon request.

Church Plantings
Genesis Alliance is directly involved in planting churches in Colombia, Venezuela, El Salvador, Mexico, Texas and Indiana.
Provided weekly in all countries according to the needs of individuals. Our mentoring is focused on spiritual formation and the challenges of disciple makers.

This takes place in groups twice a month to help develop strategies and to address specific needs in the places we are serving.
Full-time preaching is provided at the Iglesia de Cristo at Highland Oaks, as well as other churches by invitation.

University Classes
A Church Planting course is offered in partnership with the Texas International Bible Institute in Houston, Texas.
Online Training
Disciple Training courses in Spanish and English are all recorded, posted online and are available for people to watch at their own pace.