This Important Work Needs You.

Please contact us to learn more about how God is calling you to financially connect so Genesis Alliance might relationally connect. Or click the Donate button and get involved today! Or thru Zelle App:

New Mailing Address for ACH Giving Checks

Mail your check to the following address:

P.O. Box 551272
Dallas, TX 75355-1697



The church of Antioch was a church that gave a lot of support to missionaries. They sent Missionaries, sent aid to Christians in need. It was an active church in the hands of God. I invite you to be part of the mission Latin America for Christ. You can be part of it, active in the mission of God giving support to our disciple makers in: Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador as in other countries. Below is how you can join the mission of these workers of God. Mark one or more areas you'd like to be involved in.

  1. Praying for the disciple makers.
  2. Communicating with them.
  3. Translating for them.
  4. Visiting them.
  5. Inviting more supporters.
  6. Financially.